About Bay to Beach Speech

Specializing in Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Gestalt Language Processing & AAC!

Bay to Beach Speech provides passionate speech therapy in homes, daycares, and private/charter schools. Created with a family centered approach in mind to help increase parent education/carry-over to more efficiently meet your child’s communication goals. When your Speech Therapist conducts therapy in your home, with your child’s toys, during your family’s daily routines, it improves language acquisition and provides concrete examples of at-home activities for improved practice and carry-over. At Bay to Beach Speech your child will be treated with compassion and determination.

  • Lindsay Kallam M.S. CCC-SLP

    Hi! I’m Lindsay Kallam, an ASHA certified and Florida licensed Speech-Language Pathologist and owner of Bay to Beach Speech. I earned my bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders from UF (Go Gators!) and Masters of Science in Speech Language Pathology from James Madison University. I began my career working in the elementary school setting then transitioned to the private practice setting. Within the private practice setting, I’ve treated ages 1-22, including the birth to 3 population through Early Steps, both in-clinic and in-home. I have experience treating a variety of areas, including but not limited to; Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Gestalt Language Processors, AAC, Receptive/Expressive Language Disorders, Speech Sound Disorders, Pragmatic Language Disorders, Fluency Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Feeding Disorders.

    Through my years of experience, I’ve discovered my true passions are treating those with Childhood Apraxia of Speech as well as treating Gestalt Language Processors. Speech is a motor act and should be treated as one from the standpoint of the motor-speech hierarchy. I’m PROMPT trained but incorporate methods and treatment materials from various motor-based approaches such as DTTC and ReST. I’m also a firm believer in the Natural Language Acquisition framework and am an NLA trained clinician. With these two passions also comes a need and passion for AAC. I’m well versed in a variety of high tech AAC systems including PRC, Tobii Dynavox and AssistiveWare systems.

    I believe it is important as a therapist to keep up with the current research and incorporate new therapy methods into practice! I have recently started deeply exploring and educating myself on sensory needs and gestalt language/natural language acquisition to better help those with ASD.

Specialized Certifications & Trainings

  • Soon to be trained in DTTC (Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing)

    I’ve been accepted (yay!) and will be attending the DTTC training this July in Boston! I’m very excited to be attending this intensive in-person training to better implement DTTC methods for my Apraxia kiddos!

  • PROMPT Level 1 Trained

    PROMPT stands for Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonemic Targets and is a multidimensional approach, treating communication as a blend of social-emotional, cognitive-linguistic, and physical-sensory domains. It is a highly recognized and evidenced-based treatment method for those aged 6 months and older with disorders such as Autism, Apraxia, Dysarthria, Cerebral Palsy, Speech Sound Disorders and other Motor Speech Disorders. With PROMPT therapy, an SLP manually guides a client’s articulators using tactile cues to the lips, jaw, vocal cords, tongue to shape movements properly from the phoneme level, syllable level, word level and multi-word level, gradually reducing the tactile cues to promote independence.

  • Gestalt Language Processing- Natural Language Acquisition Framework by Meaningful Speech

    A course designed by Alexandria Zachos (SLP) to educate SLPs about Gestalt Language Processing. There are two ways of learning language: Analytic Language Development which is the “standard” method of developing language, children learn by processing single words. Gestalt Language Development is another way of learning and processing language, children learn in whole chunks versus single words. Echolalia is an essential part of Gestalt Language Development. Children with ASD are often Gestalt Language Processors.

  • LAMP

    Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP) is a therapeutic approach using motor learning principles paired with a voice output AAC device to give pre-verbal individuals with disabilities that limit their verbal language, a method to communicate independently and efficiently while they continue to develop their verbal language skills. I teach children (and their parents as this is a family effort) how to utilize and implement LAMP so they can use words and build sentences to communicate their wants, needs and ideas by activating buttons on an AAC device.

  • RISE with Sensory

    A sensory program geared towards parents and other professionals, created by Alisha Grogan, an Occupational Therapist that specializes in sensory integration.

    I highly recommend parents take this self-paced course if their child is sensory seeking, sensory avoiding or struggling with sensory regulation and/or behaviors.

  • Feed the Peds

    An intensive 12 week pediatric feeding course created by Hallie Bulkin, an SLP and Orofacial Myologist.

    Follow “the untethered podcast” hosted by Hallie Bulkin for information and insights into orofacial myology, tongue and lip ties as well as pediatric feeding disorders!

  • CAN-EAT Approach

    A feeding approach by Krisi Brackett, using medical, motor, and therapeutic strategies in pediatric feeding.

    “CAN = Comfort and Nutrition- gut comfort and proper nutrition and growth comes first. This includes medical and nutritional intervention for reflux, constipation, food intolerance, and hypersensitivity/pain issues, swallowing.

    EAT =Establish Acceptanceof dry spoon or easy textures, then Therapy for oral motor skill development and improving volume and variety of intake.”

  • Lindamood Bell Visualizing and Verbalizing

    Many children, especially those with Autism struggle with concept imagery. The Visualizing and Verbalizing program was designed to help develop concept imagery—the ability to create an imagined or imaged gestalt from language—as a basis for comprehension and higher order thinking. The development of concept imagery improves reading and listening comprehension, memory, oral vocabulary, critical thinking, and writing.

  • MindWing's Story Grammar Marker

    Story Grammar Marker is a therapeutic approach focusing on improving narrative development for children in grades two through six that are developing reading, writing and speaking skills vital for academic and social success. Some children struggle with retelling stories whether they’ve read the story themselves or someone has read the story to them. They may also struggle retelling a personal narrative or retelling an event that happened. Story Grammar Marker is an approach that encompasses manipulatives to help visualize stories and retell with appropriate story elements and order.

  • Sandra Holtzman- /r/ Seven Steps from Basics to Habituation

    There are 44 phonemes in the English language and “R” can seem like the most complicated! The “R” sound is comprised of “prevocalic r”, “vocalic r” and “r blends”. In a way, it’s similar to learning 8 different sounds. I have a passion for treating children who struggle with the “R” sound and have had much success. I use the principles of motor learning and Sandra Holtzman’s approach to target “R”, teaching children how to produce all 8 types independently and correctly in conversational speech.

Service Types & Costs

  • In-Home

    Initial Evaluation: $220-260

    60 minute Treatment Session: $120

    45 minutes Treatment Session: $90

  • Schools/Day-cares

    Initial Evaluation: $220-260

    30 minute Treatment Session: $60

    45 minute Treatment Session: $90

    60 minute Treatment Session: $120

  • Teletherapy

    Initial Evaluation: $220-260

    (highly recommend in-person evaluations)

    30 minute Treatment Session: $60

    45-minute Treatment Session: $90

    60-minute Treatment Session: $120